Women Selling Used Copies of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ on eBay
If you haven’t yet read the novel that launched a thousand vibrators, and if you prefer your books with the pages already stuck together, here’s your chance. Three industrious housewives are selling their thrice used copy of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ on eBay.
Soccer moms and lonely homemakers have been, literally, abuzz over this year’s most moaned about erotic novel. If you haven’t run out and purchased a pristine-paged new copy of it, you now have the opportunity to purchase a – shall we say? – well-loved copy.
Three self-proclaimed “MILFy Brooklyn babes” are selling the copy they shared with each other to the highest bidder on eBay, along with “a personal note and/or lipstick kisses.”
On the book? We would not put our faces anywhere near that thing.
According to their eBay description, “The lucky winner will hold in their hands a deliciously used paperback copy of the best erotic novel since ‘Lady Chatterly’s Lover.’” We aren’t sure if “deliciously used” is an official designation of condition on eBay, but if it’s not, it should be.
If you had any further doubt in your mind about the condition of the book, this part of the description should clear it right up. “We share everything from clothes to babysitting duties, so naturally we all had our way with this book.”
The bidding has now reached more than $100 and the auction still has a week left.
We think it’s 50 shades of disgusting, but if they can find someone who wants to pay that kind of money for a used copy of the book, more power to them. That extra power will probably be put to good use. You kno where we're going with this.
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