College Soccer Player Throws Ball at Opponent’s Face…Twice!
College Soccer Player Throws Ball at Opponent’s Face…Twice!
College Soccer Player Throws Ball at Opponent’s Face…Twice!
In a match between Amherst College and Canby College, an female Amherst player decided to take aim at an opposing player's face. In an effort to drain some time off the clock during a throw-in, the offending player decided to take aim at the same Canby player's face not once, but twice.
Loren Allred — Crush of the Day
Loren Allred — Crush of the Day
Loren Allred — Crush of the Day
Loren Allred won the unofficial “most improved player” trophy on NBC’s ‘The Voice’ this week. The former wedding singer impressed the judges by showing major improvement during the reality talent show’s recent rush of solo performances.
As French Maid
As French Maid
As French Maid
In the face of low student test scores and plummeting motivation, teachers have to get creative. One genius educator in China decided to tap into basal male instinct: she invoked the sacred power of the french maid costume.
7 Miles Away!
7 Miles Away!
7 Miles Away!
Hurricane Sandy proved to be one hell of a storm. Even though it caused tons destruction, there are some good things that came out of it. Take Coco's storm coverage, for example. We wouldn't have gotten a wet and wild double-D show if the hurricane didn't plow up the East Coast, so thanks Sandy!
Blood Baths
Blood Baths
Blood Baths
With 'Django Unchained' hitting theaters next month and a new box set that includes Blu-ray versions of his best films, it's the perfect time to run down the 10 goriest scenes from Quentin Tarantino movies. We spent a couple of days combing through 'Tarantino XX: 8 Film Collection' to bring you our favorite moments....
Amputee Uses Thought-Controlled Bionic Leg to Climb Skyscraper
Amputee Uses Thought-Controlled Bionic Leg to Climb Skyscraper
Amputee Uses Thought-Controlled Bionic Leg to Climb Skyscraper
Bionic limbs were once just the stuff of science fiction paperbacks and '70s TV shows starring Lee Majors. However, unlike the robot maid and the flying car, the bionic limb has very much became a reality. On Sunday Zac Vawter, who lost his right leg in a motorcycle accident, was able to climb all 103 floors of Chicago's Willis Tower on a prosthetic limb which responded to his thoughts... Read Mor
Jessie Andrews — Crush of the Day
Jessie Andrews — Crush of the Day
Jessie Andrews — Crush of the Day
You may not know her name, but chances are you may have seen her before. And now, thanks to a budding bestie friendship with tween pop star Miley Cyrus, crush worthy adult film star Jessie Andrews is part of the pop culture conversation.
Throw the Flag! NFL Ref Tony Corrente Curses on Live TV
Throw the Flag! NFL Ref Tony Corrente Curses on Live TV
Throw the Flag! NFL Ref Tony Corrente Curses on Live TV
Nearing the end of this weekend's Miami Dolphins/Indianapolis Colts game, the Dolphins were driving with less than six minutes to play and had a 1st and 10 at the thirty-five yard line. Before Miami could run another offensive play, an official blew the play dead to double check the spot of the ball...

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