Jackmeoff Mudd Arrested and Found Guilty of Having Greatest Name Ever
It stands to reason that a man named Jackmeoff Mudd would be up to no good. You saddle a guy with that kind of name and you almost guarantee that at some point, he’s going to get himself into some trouble. That’s exactly what happened in Ft. Lauderdale, FL recently.
This guy either had a very spiteful mother, bad judgment while filling out name change paperwork or the presence of mind to play a fun little prank on police. Based on his mug shot (and the fact that he was charged with having an open container), we’re thinking it’s the terrible mom behind door number one. This lack of love from anyone other than himself would also explain how Jackmeoff Mudd found himself getting arrested by a Broward County officer on August 10 for a number of reasons, including assault, reckless display of a weapon and disorderly conduct, to name a few.
The best part is that when Jackmeoff appears in court to defend his good name against the total of six charges against him, a Broward County judge will be forced to say his name out loud. It will probably be the one moment in this man’s life when having Jackmeoff as a first name will really pay off in spades.
We hereby give Jackmeoff Mudd the award for Best Name Ever, a title most recently held by Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop of Madison, WI.
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