Xbox 360 Fails as Hiding Place For Cocaine
Think back to the last half of whatever the decade before this one was called. You loved your Xbox 360, but probably had to keep sending it back to the manufacturer because it kept crashing. These days, the console is much more reliable, no longer suffering from the dreaded Red Ring of Death syndrome, but it still has one fatal flaw -- poor cocaine storage ability.
In El Paso, the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Strike Team pulled over a suspect who kept eyeing a bag in the passenger's seat. The astute lawmen and their trusty dog search team sniffed out the bag to find not only an exposed brick of cocaine, but an Xbox 360 stuffed with another two bricks. KFOX 14 reports the suspected criminal mastermind had a total of 1.8 kilograms -- the street value of which was even more than an overpriced Xbox 360 hard drive.
If you're a coke dealer looking to move your product while eluding police seizure, look for something with a little less ventilation. On the bright side, the lines on the screen from frozen Xbox consoles isn't as frustrating if you've got a bunch of lines on the coffee table to keep you occupied.