Mithun Divakaran

Iced-Tea Flavored Beer Coming to Canada, Then U.S.
As if drinkers of light beer weren't mocked enough already, Coors is introducing an iced tea-flavored light beer in April, which the company plans to test market in Canada first. If Coors Light Iced Tea Beer does well in Canada, the company plans to slowly roll it out in the U.S. as well. But, would you even drink it?

Takraw – A Sport That Combines Volleyball, Soccer and Awesome
When we say Takraw is probably the coolest sport most Americans have never heard of, take our word for it. Called 'Sepak Takraw,' or kick volleyball if you want to anglicize it, the sport has its origins in southeast Asia, where it still remains a popular sport.

Website Helps Re-Connect With Your Ex To Find Out How You Screwed Up is a new website that claims to help people find out the reasons behind their failed relationships, as it's developers put it, "in a socially acceptable way."

Check Out The Craziest Driver’s License Ever
Let's face it, we all hate how we look on our driver's license. There's little we can do after the picture is snapped, which is why Adam Bard from British Columbia decided to make his driver's license photo a memorable one - by shaving his beard and hair in half.

Kate Upton is Getting Into the Bathing Suit Business
Our love for for Kate Upton knows no bounds.We love featuring the girl, because it gives us - the writers - a good excuse to stare at them her. So imagine our glee when swimwear brand Beach Bunny announced a new range of bikinis designed by Upton herself.

‘The Avengers’ Film Props are For Sale
Marvel fans, here's your chance to buy some of the coolest, high quality memorabilia straight off the sets of the Avengers films. But, before you get all excited and take out your wallet, know that the pieces are going up at auction - and the starting prices alone are going to hammer your bank account. That's a Thor joke. Try to keep up.

Bride Rips Wedding Dress and We Want To See More
Her comes the bride. There goes her perfect day.

Woman Killed By Boyfriend’s Homemade Cannon
If you're going to have a homemade cannon, please know how to use it. Actually, how about never, ever use it because something like this could happen.

Amber Tamblyn Rap-Pranks Tyrese Gibson With Hilarious Self-Composed Songs
Actress Amber Tamblyn was accidentally e-mailed by model-turned-actor and musician Tyrese Gibson. He intended to collaborate with Amber Rose (Kanye West's ex). Tamblyn, whose middle name is Rose, got the e-mail, read it, didn't correct him, but instead trolled Gibson into thinking he got the right Amber. The actress then sent Gibson four sample rap tracks she worked on. Hilarity ensues!

Hilarious Elevator Prank Proves the French Might Have a Sense of Humor
We don't know the setup behind this prank, but we have to give props to the idea none the less. A woman waits for the elevator and when it opens, what she sees leaves her baffled - and laughing.

Darth Vader Burger Strikes France With Disgusting Black Buns
For years, McDonald's Happy Meals have been a mainstay when it comes to promotional tie-ins, especially for major movie releases but a French fast food chain called Quick has put those plastic toys to shame. The chain recently unveiled the 'Dark Vador' burger in celebration for the 3D release of 'Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace' in France.

Jennifer Hale is a Famous Woman You’ve Never Seen — But You’ve Heard Millions of Times
Jennifer Hale is a voice over star who has brought female life to characters in 131 video games, many of which are some of the biggest franchises in gaming like 'Mass Effect,' 'Soul Caliber' and 'God of War'.

Twin Sisters Prove Iditarod Isn’t Just a Man’s Race — Plus, They’re Hot
The Iditarod Trail may not ring a bell for every American, but in Alaska, the thousand-plus mile stretch is the route for the annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race - one of the biggest sporting events in the icy state. And sisters Anna and Kristy Berington (twins!) are proving to everyone the grueling dog sled race isn't just a man's game.

Rare Disorder Makes Girl Eat Sponges and Soap
Kids eating chalk were quite common back in our school days, and we often used to even laugh at them. We're not sure we want to laugh at 21-year-old Kerry Trebilcock, though. The young dental nurse from England suffers from pica - a real disorder characterized by an appetite for substances that aren't considered food. Trebilcock's preferred choice of non-food? Soapy sponges.

Man Arrested After Being Accused of Punching Police Horse
The NBA fans are fannnnnnnnnntastic -- unless animals are involved.

Imagine Scoring 71 Points in a Basketball Game and Still Losing
Minnesota high school basketball player Anders Broman, a Junior at Lakeview Christian Academy, scored a mind-boggling 71 points against opponents Melrose High. Broman couldn't really celebrate considering his team lost by 4 points (114-110).

Facebook User Ends Up in Lube Ad Without Consent
How would you feel if you became the unofficial spokesperson for a water-based lubricant? That too a jaw-dropping 55-gallon drum of lubricant? None too pleased would be how Nick Bergus felt when he saw turn his Facebook post into a 'sponsored story' (an ad basically).