Your Family Isn’t That Messed Up After All — This Woman Accidentially Married Her Own Father
The next holiday you spend with your family where you find yourself frustrated at how dysfunctional they all seem, please take a deep breath and imagine what it must be like to find out that you spent decades married to your own father without even knowing it. Then maybe have another drink.
It wasn’t bad enough that Valerie Spruill spent the first nine years of her life thinking her grandparents were her parents and her mother was just a “family friend” she also grew up with no idea about the real identity of her father. Nope, it gets worse. Valerie had the misfortune of dealing with the fact that she married own old man and had three kids with him. Spruill even thinks he knew exactly what he was doing.
Her assumption is that “half of Akron” also knew about it, and after years of whispers and snickers, she started asking questions and got an uncle to finally tell her the truth shortly after her man/daddy kicked the bucket. Five years after he started his eternal dirt nap, Valerie found his hairbrush lodged under a dresser. She decided to have a DNA test done.
The DNA proved what 'The Maury Povich Show' usually does -- Percy Pruill was her father!
Valerie Spruill commented on the whole ordeal that “If this old lady done come through all this … you can love no matter what you’ve come through or where you’ve been in this world.”
The lesson here is to always go for that blood test before you marry, and maybe spring for an Ancestry.com account before you start dating.
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