A Clockwork Orange — Films That Suggest There is No God
Gist: In the near-future, a young, sadistic leader of a youth gang is captured and experimented upon in order to curb his ultraviolent tendencies.
Supposed Godlessness: Listen closely, my droogs — If, as Kubrick suggests at the end, such violent and vicious impulses can’t be bred out of us, either by science or the better part of human nature, than what point is there to a religion that attempts to curb these appetites via faith?
Counter Argument: Um….well, not everyone in the film shares Alex’s propensity for brutality. Plus, he really, really loves Beethoven, which could either be a piece of poignant irony (likely), or possibly a sign that even in his lizard brain there resides an appreciation of art and beauty.
Conclusion: If man is truly a spiteful and malicious beast, what good does a holy scripture and/or an iconic figure of reverence accomplish?