Wanna Taste a Beer Made With Real Gold? Well, You Can’t
If you're some ruler of a random nation that nobody can pronounce correctly, you're probably looking for some high-end alcoholic beverage that's a little bit more classy than a bottle of Pinot Grigio you picked up from the deli down the street. Well, it turns out that this drink you're picturing in your head is actually made in the Czech Republic... and it's got real gold chunks in it.
In fact, an entire bottle of the stuff, which goes by the name of "Re" Golden Lager, has 0.018 grams of actual gold in it. Our first reaction is, "Don't choke on it, Prince William," but the stuff is apparently safe to consume and has long-term health benefits.
For all you non-royalty out there who just got paid and are feeling like makin' it rain, you still won't be able to taste this concoction. It's only made upon request and you pretty much have to be a real-life version of those rich Swedish guys in 'Girl with a Dragon Tattoo.' Although, if you're desperate enough, why not recreate the beverage by putting 15 pennies in a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon? Same thing... pretty much.