STEP 1: Upload Pics of Yourself in Workout Gear
Most people believe models get their bodies from starvation and cigarettes. That may have been true back in the day, but today's models have gone out of their way to prove they're healthy. There's no better way to put one's physically fit and toned bod on full display then with a mobile upload of yourself in workout gear. But, skeptics might think you just decided to throw on some yoga pants and spritz yourself with water. So, what do you do? You take pics of yourself in the gym in between sets, flexing and sweating.
It's also important to note WHAT you did at the gym, since even a 5 min slow jog can build a sweat. "Just ran 5 miles" or "crossfit was BRUTAL today" usually go over well. Talk about how it was torture, how long your session was, which body parts you worked, and how you love/hate your personal trainer then be sure to tease what you're going to eat and/or drink to replace all those lost nutrients, vitamins, and calories.