No. 2: ‘The Story of Ricky’ – 10 Ridiculous Movie Death Scenes
You know, even after all this killing, we still don't know what Ricky's story is, exactly, but let it suffice that he kills a lot of people (who seem bad and definitely deserve it) and he does it in novel and inventive ways. Some of our personal highlights from this greatest hits collection: "the mannequin nail-board face plant" (:27); the fat-man spleendectomy (:31); the (super-brief) "punch-through torso" (:51), which goes nicely with the "punch-through face" (:54); the "self-entrails strangulation" move (:58) "yet another inflatable exploding corpse" (1:25); and the ever-popular "half-face skin rip" (1:29).