Seven — Films That Suggest There is No God
Gist: A spree of extremely exacting serial murders leads the detectives trying to track down the killer deeply embroiled in the perp’s plans.
Supposed Godlessness: There is a Yiddish proverb that roughly translates to ‘man plans; God laughs,’ suggesting that the more a man tries to take control of his life, the more disarray and chaos he will find, courtesy of a God whose master plan doesn’t take into account your every need. What, then, to make of a killer so precise and meticulous that he successfully completes the most daring and audacious series of murders in human history?
Counter Argument: Well, as always, we have the dulcet vocal stylings of Morgan Freeman to inform us of a different philosophy. “The world is a fine place. And worth fighting for,” he quotes Hemingway at the end. What else do we have to go on but this small shred of hope?
Conclusion: In the absence of God, there is cruel mathematical precision.