The 40-Year-Old Virgin — 10 Films With Lousy First Dates
Participants: Andy (Steve Carell), the titular virgin in question, and Nicky (Leslie Mann), a wild party girl he picks up at the local watering hole.
Circumstances: Upon finding out Andy's unfortunate sexual circumstances, Andy's new workplace friends convince him he needs to find a nice, super drunk girl to take home with him. This, he finds, at a bachelorette party, and it's all systems go.
What Makes It Awful? …except that Andy doesn't drive, so he gets into a car with Nicky, a blonde fireball, who's thoroughly drunk (and needs Andy to blow into a blood-alcohol meter just so she can start the engine), and she proceeds to drive like a lunatic all over the city, swerving in and out of lanes and nearly killing them both many times over. As if that weren't enough, earlier in the evening, she made the mistake of eating a shellfish sandwich, which ends up making an unfortunate reappearance splattered all over Andy's face.
Outcome: She passes out, oblivious; Andy gets the hell away from her.