The Exterminating Angel — Films That Suggest There is No God
Gist: A group of guests at a fancy dinner party suddenly find themselves unable to leave the drawing room where they have congregated. Chaos slowly ensues.
Supposed Godlessness: A dinner party filled with well-to-do blue bloods dissolves into a Lord of the Flies frenzy when the guests find themselves inexplicably trapped in place for several days in director Luis Buñuel’s nightmarish vision. The rules of society — even high society — give way to man’s natural inclination: savagery and horror. There is no higher power, only our ruthless elemental nature.
Counter Argument: The end of the film, which features a group of sheep entering a church while riotous gunfire and anarchy reigns outside, could be suggestive of, er, the sweetly innocent church followers being protected by their faith?
Conclusion: This one appears to be pretty cut and dry: Man is a savage and religion, like society, is nothing but an illusion designed to trick us into submission.