Who’s the Hot Girl in the Bud Light ‘Lucky Chair’ Super Bowl Commercial?
There were plenty of hot women populating this year's Super Bowl commercials. Luckily for us, there was no shortage of Kate Upton, either. We could have lived without Bar Refaeli making out with a Jonah Hill clone, though. However, that scarring memory could easily be erased by perhaps the hottest female of them all, who appeared in the Bud Light 'Lucky Chair' commercial.
In the beer spot, she slinks alongside singer Steve Wonder, who plays a voodoo master, takes a seat and asks "How much luck do you guys need?" while showing off some killer stems.
It's enough to make you want to sell your soul for a quarter just to see a little more.
You've seen her before. No, really, you have. On the big screen.
It's Zoe Saldana, the famous actress from 'Avatar' and 'Star Trek.' She's also been in 'The Losers' so her comic book and geek cred is rivaled only by her hotness. She also played a serious bad ass in the movie 'Colombiana.' This might be one of her finest roles, though, since she doesn't say much and exists to look good.
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