The 38-year-old actress, model, and singer was last seen on the big screen in an uncredited cameo in 2011's 'Fast Five'.

Though quiet through the first half of 2012, Mendes will appear as Kay alongside Kylie Minogue in 'Holy Motors', a drama about a shadowy character who journeys from one life to the next. It premiered at Cannes and has an international run from June through October in 10 countries.

People named her one of 2012 Most Beautiful at Every Age. Maxim ranked her 29th on their Hot 100 and AskMen placed her 54th on their Top 99.

Though she thinks marriage is archaic, she's been dating Pines co-star Ryan Gosling since September 2011 after coming out an 8-year relationship. Hey, Girl, you know capri pants on dudes is questionable at best, right? Doesn't matter, that guy could wear pasties and a tutu and chicks would swoon. *Sigh*

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