Going All The Way — 10 Films With Lousy First Dates
Participants: Sonny Burns (Jeremy Davies), a non-combat soldier just returned from Korea, and Gale (Rose McGowan), a pretty local girl.
Circumstances: Sonny, especially as played by the perpetually jittery Davies, is a major head-case, prone to equal parts insecure self-hatred and delusion, manic to the core. Gale is a temping vixen who thinks Sonny is some kind of war hero. The two of them attend a formal affair with another couple, played by Ben Affleck and Rachel Weisz.
What Makes It Awful? Where do we start? From Sonny's far-too-large white tux, to his nervously twitching over-eagerness ("I'm rolling, baby!"), he's a loose train careening down the track, waiting for the inevitable collision. When it comes -- and lets just say it, er, comes entirely too quickly -- you almost have to avert your eyes.
Outcome: The unfortunate incident draws out Sonny's primal self-loathing and leads him down, we shall say, a very dark path.