Mad Men will close the doors of Sterling-Cooper for good in just a few weeks' time, but did you know that the Emmy-winning AMC prestige drama was written in 1999, and rejected everywhere until 2006? Or that an episode paid a cool $250K for a single Beatles song? These are just some of the Mad minutes awaiting you in the third episode of ‘You Think You Know TV?,’ which clears the smoke to pitch you some fresh facts about Mad Men!
Christina Hendricks was the lead in Everclear's 1999 game show-style music video, 'One Hit Wonder,' and the beauty wasn't spared the questionable '90s outfits -- or an unflattering shaggy haircut.
We hope you guys are fans of great boobs, because we're going to be racking up the racks in the final 30 of our 100 Hottest Women of 2014. We've brought D'Jango's girl, Black Widow, a black swan, Saffron from 'Serenity' and Sarah Palin for you guys to drool over...
Could this possibly be true? Are there pictures of Christina Hendricks naked on the internet? Hendricks, star of 'Mad Men' and 'our fantasies' is supposedly the latest celeb to have naked pics leaked on the Internet.
Mike Rosenthal, WireImage
Christina Hendricks (or Mrs. Geoffrey Arend as we must continually remind myself) celebrated the holidays with a private party on Dec. 10 and some Johnnie Walker.