During his long NBA career, Shaquille O'Neal was fond of referring to himself as "The Big ___" like 'The Big Aristotle' and 'The Big Daddy.' Well, you can call this tattoo 'The Big Mistake.' The only person who should have a 'Kazaam ' tattoo is the studio executive who approved the film... so he never forgets the mistake.

It's one thing to be a huge fan of Shaq and desire a tattoo in tribute to him. But a bad tattoo of Shaq as 'Kazaam?' That's ridiculous. That's like getting a tattoo of Michael Jordan in 'Space Jam.'

We just hope that this misguided fan ran out of money before he had a chance to get a tattoo of Shaq with the guys from Fu-Schnickens inked somewhere else on his body.

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