Kate Upton will once again grace the front cover of the 2013 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. This isn't a repeat from 2012. Well, the news is a repeat, but the cover will be brand new.
Sure, this 2013 Mercedes-Benz Super Bowl 47 commercial involving Kate Upton may recycle the well-worn "deal with the devil" trope we've seen countless times before, but it's got one thing that sets it awesomely apart -- Willem Dafoe as Satan. Seriously, why hasn't anybody cast him in this role before? With his craggy face and low, menacing voice, he makes the perfect Beelzebub.
Kate Upton is someone we pay close attention to, for obvious reasons. Frankly, we're a little disappointed in her latest effort. Don't get us wrong, we enjoyed the Kate Upton car wash commercial, it just wasn't exactly what we were expecting.
2012 will be remembered by many as the "Year of Upton" so it's no surprise gorgeous model Kate Upton won the award for sexiest video of the year. Her "Cat Daddy" dance had us all purring with delight.
Kate did have some competition -- the woman with the amazing assets shook her booty into second place with 22% of the vote...
Whether she is doing the Cat Daddy or getting up close and personal with a Carl's Jr. burger, Kate Upton and videos have always been a winning combination.
The 20-year-old model and actress born in Michigan and raised in Florida got her start in modeling at the age of 15. Kate went on to become Sports Illustrated's 'Rookie of the Year' in 2011 and eventually graced the cover of this year's Swimsuit Issue...
Kate Upton is gracing the cover of yet another magazine -- GQ this time around. She'll be showing off the goods in the July issue of GQ, and the mag was kind enough to take perverts readers behind the scenes of the cover shoot.
Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Kate Upton is everywhere. When the voluptuous blonde bombshell isn't doing the 'Cat Daddy' or starring in 'The Three Stooges' film, she's pitching burgers for Carl's Jr. or hawking DirecTV.
To be clear, NO ONE is complaining...
Photographer Terry Richardson is known for getting young actresses and models to do very sexy things in front of the camera. Kate Upton is known for doing very sexy things for the camera on her own. When the two got together for an episode of Terry TV, we expected something very steamy. We = not disappointed.
With the NFL Draft set to kick off tonight (4/26), AXE invited us to attend their press event Wednesday night to show off their new 2-in-1 "Sport Blast" shower gel and shampoo.
Kate Upton is in 'The Three Stooges' movie and we only know that because we've watched the commercial more than we've actually watched the original Three Stooges films. Overkill? As Curly put it... "SOYTENLY!"
We're beginning to think Kate Upton doesn't sleep. She might be a robot. How else can you explain the sheer volume of pics and videos she's putting out? Anyway, 'LOVE' (which we're assuming is the UK magazine) shot her and Doutzen Kroes in their lingerie to celebrate Easter...
Kate's been a marketing machine lately, starring in commercials for SkullCandy, Carl's Jr., MLB 2k12, and DirecTV. While Carl's Jr. and MLB 2k12 tried to get creative with their efforts, DirecTV basically phoned in a bland ad that took all of an hour to write, shoot, and edit.
Kate Upton is an American model and actress known for her appearances in, and on the cover of, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, television commercials and movies like 'The Three Stooges' and 'Tower Heist.'
Kate Upton Bio
Kate Upton (Katherine Upton) was born in St...
Our love for for Kate Upton knows no bounds.We love featuring the girl, because it gives us - the writers - a good excuse to stare at them her. So imagine our glee when swimwear brand Beach Bunny announced a new range of bikinis designed by Upton herself.